Amelie at 6 years, Mia at amost 4 years, Desmond at 13-months
May 3, 2010
We started out the month of April with Tia and Zack's birthday party. Tia's birthday is the same day as Naomi's and Desmond's.



Desmond looking over my shoulder at Tia's party. We all had a great time, it was at a local park with lots of stuff to do. Plus, we brought the spin-art, which everybody enjoyed.



For Easter, we went to Mariner's church in Newport Beach. They had some huge amount of eggs, like 70,000 or something. It was crazy.



They let the younger kids go first, and they had different areas roped off for different ages. Here's Amelie and Mia in the heat of the moment.



Amelie ended up with a full basket. The treats inside the eggs kinda sucked, but that was okay, because you get to keep the plastic eggs to take home and do your own egg hunt later.



Looks like Mia did okay, but not as much as Amelie. Maybe next year.



Amelie took her time going through all the eggs, but no chocolate treats, so that's a bummer.



Desmond had to rely on his sharp scavenging skills.



Later, Mia got ready for Easter with her own flower headband.



All dressed up in their Easter finest.



We've been making chia lemonade with chia seeds. They're a super-food, and the girls just love it.



Mia at the park blowing bubbles.



Waldorf School had their May Fair celebration on Saturday, May, 1, so we stopped by and they had a nice petting zoo set up.



Naomi and the girls at Waldorf's May Fair.



The next day, a group of home-schoolers got together for their own May Fair celebration in Costa Mesa. It was a perfect day for it, too.



You dance around the May Fair pole and weave patterns with the ribbon on it. It's pretty neat, and you can even watch a video of it.



At the May Fair festival, Mia had fun being a rickshaw driver.



Susie came up from San Diego to pass on a bunch of boy clothes, since she's having a girl soon. That's Janine and Kimberly on the right. Janine's oldest girl Renee is in the blue dress.



Earlier in the month we took a home-school field-trip to a wolf preserve, and got to see the wolves from just a few feet away. It was awesome. This is an Alaskan wolf, and the picture was taken by Stephanie Hager, who organized the trip. She's a fantastic photographer, and has her own photography business. You wouldn't believe how bad my pictures came out, so I had to email her to get some decent ones.



This is a Mexican wolf, and the picture was also taken by Stephanie. There's a chain-link fence that I think she photoshopped away, or something, because my pictures didn't look anywhere near this nice.



Until next month, stay happy!



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